Master Presentation: BIM. METHODS, MODELS AND APPLICATIONS – Politecnico di Milano – Third edition

Master Presentation: BIM. METHODS, MODELS AND APPLICATIONS – Politecnico di Milano – Third edition
6 September 2017 BMS Progetti Srl

BMS Progetti will take part, presenting their BIM experiences, to the II level MASTER PRESENTATION – October 2017-18
BIM MANAGER – BIM. Methods, Models and Applications

Tuesday, September 12th 2017
10.00 a.m.
Aula Rogers

BIM as a tool to identify and deepen the features of the project and of building management in relation to the main BIM guidelines:

  • Building Information Modeling, the process as computable representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building and its information
  • Building Information Model, data characterization, technical specifications and features that can be extracted and transferred through BIM to generate the document framework
  • Beyond Information Model, a methodology that represents a new approach to relate to the building and the associated context
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